söndag 7 augusti 2011

NEOM Luxury Organics

Visst är flaskorna oemotståndliga? Vilken tur då att innehållet i NEOM Luxury Organics produkter är 100% naturligt och med mycket hög andel ekologiskt odlat. Detta brittiska märke lanserades 2005 av Nicola Elliott, tidigare journalist som skrev för bl.a In Style Magazine. Eftersom hon alltid var omringad av en massa skönhetsprodukter i jobbet så började hon undra vad som egentligen gömde sig i alla burkar och flaskor. Efter att ha insett hur kemikalieladdad den konventionella hudvården är väcktes idén att skapa ren hudvård som verkligen fungerar, som doftar gott av äkta dofter och som påverkar våra sinnen på ett positivt sätt. Så tillsammans med kollegan Oliver startade hon NEOM, först ut var 5 stycken vegetabiliska aromaterapiljus, och idag består sortimentet även av rumssprayer och en hel kroppsserie med oljor, duschcremer, tvålar och hand- och kroppskrämer. I den egna webbshopen kostar frakten £16 till Sverige, men du hittar de även hos LoveLula där det är betydligt billigare frakt. 
"We were tired of choosing between products that were either organic, but non-too-glamorous and certainly didn’t smell so great or act effectively, and products that certainly looked pretty but were full of harsh chemicals and synthetic scents. We had a clear vision to create a modern, organic, luxurious lifestyle brand.
Our dream was to create products that were as organic as they were effective, as gorgeous and pampering as they smelt divine and perhaps most importantly, as effective as their synthetic counterparts. Even if a product has all the right credentials and is as organic as you can get, if it doesn’t smell beautiful and isn’t a joy to use, you won’t come back and use it time and again.
As we started our steep learning curve of the world of organic beauty, we were excited to find that by replacing synthetic scents with high percentages of essential oils, our beautiful, organic products also worked as aromatherapy treatments - so bath oils really could relax you, candles could create that feeling of TLC after a hard day and shower gels could give you a boost of energy.
We’re obsessed with getting you to reduce your chemical count. We strongly oppose synthetic scents and harsh ingredients but we also believe beauty should be about spoiling yourself, fabulous scents and utter indulgence. So if NEOM can’t make you feel pampered then no one can."

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